
About HealthofU

Health of U is a community of health and fitness support to help individuals live a healthier lifestyle.  HealthofU.com is about promoting growth from within while keeping fitness fun and simple.  If living a healthier lifestyle were easy everyone would be doing it.  Living a healthier lifestyle takes dedication and hard work, but if you are willing to put forth the effort then you for sure will not regret the decision.  HealthofU is were your healthy lifestyle begins.  Becoming a healthier you is only one step away!!!   

About Me

Just as most kids I loved to play outside and explore the outdoors,  I was always an athletic guy who stayed active and loved to spend time playing sports.  From the age of seven years old I was participating in team athletics.  Pursuing football and track throughout high school as well as college I managed to stay in what most would call average shape.  After graduating and receiving my B.S degree in psychology I hit the workforce.  Like most individuals my physical activity decreased, and so did my muscle mass.  A few years went by but still no change in my habits.  I knew I was gaining weight because my clothes began to fit a lot differently.  There were times were I would literally try on my whole closet before I could make a decision about what to wear.  I was feeling very uncomfortable in my own skin and had gotten up to 220lbs.  This is when I decided to try p90x which I must say is a really good workout program.  After finishing the program two times through, and gaining confidence I decided I wanted more and that this was about a lifestyle change that I had to make.  After a year of hard work and dedication I lost 40 pounds of fat and gained around 20 pounds of muscle.  I now weigh 185lbs.  I can honestly say Ive fallen in love with fitness and nothing gives me a better feeling then spreading the word and helping others.   

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